Average gas bill in the UK (2022)
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You don't have to be a control freak to want to stay on top of your bills. A prepayment meter is a specific type of energy meter that will allow you to have complete control on how much energy you use. After all, we all need limits in life. However, like standard gas and electricity meters, prepayment meters measure the amount of energy you use. However, unlike normal meters, they require you to pay for this energy in advance, rather than via a monthly or quarterly bill.
Last updated: November 2022

In 2019, the average gas bill for all homes across the UK was £610. This was a rise of around 2.8% on the previous year. It is very likely that the average gas bill for the UK in 2020 will be slightly higher as prices tend to go up year on year due to inflation and the cost of wholesale energy. If the bills were to rise at the same rate of 2.8% then the average bill for 2020 would be £627.08.
Is your gas bill over the national average? Well, we are here to help! When you switch energy suppliers with us, you could save up to 400£ a year. All you need to do is give our experts a call at the number on the top of the screen.
However, energy bills are rarely that straightforward and there is much more to the average gas bill than meets the eye. You might be looking at that £610 figure and thinking that bears little or no resemblance to your own bill. But that’s because this is a national average that takes no other factors into consideration.
As we all know, not everyone lives in the same kind of house. Some are much smaller or larger than others. Some people live with big families or student houses with multiple occupants and others live alone. Some houses are old, draughty and poorly insulated and others are modern with all the benefits of efficiency savings.
What is the average gas bill?
Before we look more closely at the factors that affect the differing range of averages and what exactly constitutes the different sized houses, let’s take a look at the averages across a range of UK properties, breaking down how much you should be paying by month, quarter and year:
Type of property | Cost per month | Cost per quarter | Cost per year |
Small | £33 | £98 | £392 |
Medium | £48 | £143 | £572 |
Large | £66 | £198 | £793 |
Average gas bills by people and property
In order to get a clearer understanding of how much gas we use on average and what this costs, it’s better to break down the averages into different size homes. That’s because if you have a larger property then it will cost more to heat as it will require more gas. Likewise, if you have more people living in the property they will use more gas as they will cook more, take more showers and so on.
So, for example, it’s not that helpful to compare the average gas bill of a small one bedroom flat with one inhabitant with a six bedroom house of a large family. So, it makes more sense to break down the averages into different size properties. We do this by creating an average small, medium and large property as you can see below.
Small house
A small house or flat will usually have one or two bedrooms and between one and three occupants. They will have an annual gas usage of around 8,000 kWh.
Medium house
A medium sized property will be a three or four bedroom family home with four or more people living in it. The annual gas output will be around 12,500 kWh.
Large house
A large house is considered to be one with four or more bedrooms and five or more people. The average gas output will be around 18,000 kWh.
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The cheapest live gas offers in 2022
Below you'll find the cheapest and also available gas tariffs, that are currently offered.
Prices differ on a postcode basis, this table therefore displays national averages
Based on 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year on average
A tariff is green if for each kWh consumed a kWh of renewable energy is injected in the grid.
The cheapest gas offers in the UK
The overall cheapest gas offers can be found below.
Prices displayed are national averages
Based on Ofgem’s TDCV (2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year).
Is a Green tariff if all the energy consumed is compensated by renewable energy injections in the grid.
Cheapest Green Gas Tariffs
For the cheapest green gas offers we provide you the list below.
Prices vary from one city to another, so we display national averages
Based on Ofgem’s TDCV (2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year).
Is a Green tariff if all the energy consumed is compensated by renewable energy injections in the grid.
Cheapest Standard Variable Gas Tariffs
Variable-rate tariffs change prices per unit rate. The cheapest offers are listed down below.
Prices differ on a postcode basis, this table therefore displays national averages
Based on the official TDCV : 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year
A tariff is green if for each kWh consumed a kWh of renewable energy is injected in the grid.
Cheapest Fixed Gas Tariffs
Fixed-rate tariffs have the advantage that the prices don't change.
Prices displayed are national averages
Based on Ofgem’s TDCV (2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year).
A Green tariff means the supplier injects in the grid the same amount of renewable energy that is consumed.
What affects the average gas bill?
Of course, it is not just the size of the house and the number of occupants that affects the average gas costs per year. The gas industry is global and as such affected by global factors, such as the costs of transporting gas around the world, supply, trade and international pricing and more.
The price of gas is also affected by environmental factors, such as the weather and climate conditions. For example, someone living on the south coast of the UK is perhaps likely to use less gas for central heating than someone who lives on the northern tip of Scotland, as the temperature will be much higher further north.
Other factors may be much more individual, such as the nature of your home and insulation, as well as the age and condition of your energy products.
Here is a list of some of the factors that can all affect the average gas bill in 2020:
- Wholesale energy prices can fluctuate
- Changes in the weather, with a very cold winter meaning we all use more gas
- Outdated or inefficient heating appliances in your home
- Poor insulation
- Bad daily usage habits
- Installing a smart thermostat
Another key factor that affects the average price of bills in the UK is the choice of tariffs. There are more than 50 energy suppliers offering gas and dual fuel tariffs in the UK, each competing for your custom. Some charge much more for a kWh of gas than others, so depending on what tariff you are on, your bill may be higher or lower than the average.
If your fixed rate deal has elapsed, or if you simply don’t know what tariff you are on, then chances are that you’re on your suppliers standard variable rate. Not only will this be their most expensive tariff but their prices are not fixed, meaning they fluctuate with global energy prices – which tend to go up over time.
Shop around for a good fixed rate gas tariff and you could immediately bring down the cost of your bill.
What is the average gas bill per month in the UK?
The average cost of gas per month in the UK for small, medium and large properties is follows:
Type of property | Cost per month |
Small | £33 |
Medium | £48 |
Large | £66 |
Average gas bills price evolution
UK gas prices have been growing steadily since 2000. This has largely been due to the upward pressure prices in Europe and in the UK’s continental shelf gas production. There was a downward turn in prices in 2014 reaching a low of 28p per therm in 2016 (one therm equals about 2.64 cubic metres of gas). But it has started to climb again since then.
However, these are just the wholesale prices for gas. How does this translate into domestic gas bills in the UK? Mirroring the wholesale price drop in 2016, the Big Six energy suppliers also dropped their rates by an average of 2.5%. but these have also climbed since then.
However, again the simple numbers do not tell the whole story. While the average cost of energy in the UK per household per year in 1999 was £666 this is the equivalent of paying £1153 today. Which is actually cheaper than the current UK energy bill average of around £1280. That’s because these numbers have to be adjusted for inflation.
This is because we earn more and the value of money changes over time. However, one thing is certain, and that is that we are better off than in 1990. In that year, the average energy bill was £847 a year, equivalent to £1893 in today’s money – about £600 more than we pay on average today.
Why have our bills gone up?
If you have noticed a jump in the price of your gas bill there could be a number of reasons. These include:
- Your existing deal has expired and you have been switched to a standard variable rate tariff
- Your boiler or heating equipment is faulty and needs repairing
- You have a leak
- Your consumption habits have changed or more people now live in your property
- The season has changed – we tend to use much more gas in the winter months
- Your heating equipment is outdated and in need of replacement
As well as all of the above, energy companies do occasionally make billing errors. If your bill seems incorrect and none of the above applies, get in touch with your energy company and have a recent meter reading handy.
If your bill has gone up because your existing deal has expired then it might be time to switch to a cheaper fixed rate tariff.
Cheapest gas prices in the UK vs most expensive
The top four cheapest gas suppliers in the UK for 2020 are:
- Gulf Gas & Power UK at £29.59 per month / £355.08 annually
- EDF Energy at £31.20 per month / £374.41 annually
- Zog Energy at £31.27 per month / £375.25 annually
- Entice Energy at £31.29 per month / £375.49 annually
These are prices based on average usage of 12,500 kWh a year, or a medium sized house.
The most expensive gas tariffs in the UK are limited by the price cap, which is the limit the industry regulator puts on what they can charge per kWh of gas. Many suppliers set their prices according to the upper limit of this price cap for standard variable rates. These include British Gas, although they do have other more affordable tariffs available. The current UK price cap for gas usage is £1042 a year for dual fuel, but you can pay more depending on usage.
What uses most gas in our home?
Without question the boiler uses the most gas in the home. That’s because it’s being used not only to run the central heating system in 86% of UK homes but also to provide hot water. So, if your boiler is old and outdated it might be time to invest in a new and more efficient model. At the very least you should get your boiler serviced once a year to ensure it is operating at its most efficient.
Other appliances that use gas include hobs and ovens, but this usage is relatively small compared to the boiler.
Gas bills in winter
As you might expect, gas bills can increase dramatically in the winter. That’s because we use far more gas for central heating and hot water at this time of year. In the summer months you might have your central heating off or only on for a very short period a day. In the winter it might be working around the clock.
It also takes more energy to heat water when the outside temperatures are cold, which again adds to gas usage in the winter.
What can you do to lower your gas bill?
If you think your gas bill is too high or is way above the average figures listed above, then there are a few things you can do about it. The biggest change you can make is to switch your supplier of tariff. Just switching from a standard variable rate to a fixed tariff can bring down your bills each month. But you can also make a few changes to the way you use gas, such as:
- Turning the thermostat down or investing in a smart thermostat
- Have your boiler serviced or invest in a more efficient upgrade
- Take showers instead of baths as they use less hot water
- Close windows and ensure your home is well insulated
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What is the average gas bill in the UK?
The average gas bill for all homes across the UK in 2019 was £610 - a rise of around 2.8% in 2018. Prices tend to go up year on year due to inflation and the cost of wholesale energy. If the bills were to rise at the same rate, the average bill for 2020 would be £627.08.
What affects the average gas bill?
There are lots of factors that affect the average gas bill in the UK. These include the size of the property and the number of people living there. Usage habits also have a big influence, so if you have your central heating on all the time then you can expect a large gas bill. External factors such as wholesale prices, transportation costs and the regulator prices caps can also have an influence.
What uses most gas in our home?
The boiler uses the most gas in the home as it is being used not only to run the central heating system in 86% of UK homes but also providing hot water. You should get your boiler serviced at least once a year to ensure it is operating at its most efficient or invest in a new, more efficient model.
How can I reduce gas in my home?
First, try switching your supplier or tariff from a standard variable rate to a fixed tariff. But you can also make a few changes to the way you use gas, such as turning the thermostat down or investing in a smart thermostat; having your boiler serviced or investing in a more efficient model. Even taking showers instead of baths will make a difference. Lots of small changes could add up to a big saving.
Updated on 29 Jan, 2024
Alexander Striano
Consumer Energy Expert
Alex joined the papernest team as a SEO Project Manager Assistant for Broadband Plans. He has developed a real expertise on connectivity topics and works on delivering the best possible content to help you navigate your broadband in and outside your home.
Alex joined the papernest team as a SEO Project Manager Assistant for Broadband Plans. He has developed a real expertise on connectivity topics and works on delivering the best possible content to help you navigate your broadband in and outside your home.