Want to switch energy suppliers? Let us find you the best deal
Which plans are still available?

Next 2 Year
100% green energy with a fixed energy rate for 2 years

1 Year Fixed Price Energy
A fixed tariff from a reliable and robust historical supplier

Fix'd X 22
Renewable energy from the underdog of the British Energy Market
We won't leave you in the dark
The recent and sudden increase of wholesale energy prices is profoundly disrupting the energy market leading to many providers suspending tariffs and some going bust. But don't you worry you're in good hands! First, Ofgem will make sure that energy is always flowing your way by assigning you if necessary a 'supplier of last resort'. Also we are here to inform you on a daily basis on what is going down on the energy market.

Why should I switch gas and electricity?
You may not realise it but you are most likely paying too much for energy. How could you not with hundreds of others to choose from and ever-changing wholesale prices. Our job at Switch Plan is to constantly compare the market, keeping your energy suppliers on their toes so that you don’t have to.
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Switch to save on your bills
We can’t give you £400, but we can save you that amount! How? By switching to a cheaper energy supplier that caters to your needs. All you need to do is to give us a call.

Switch to a plan that cares as much as you
We want our suppliers to share your values. Green Energy, Customer Service, Social Responsibility, Local Offices: Our experts will guide you to a plan that mirrors your convictions.

Switch when you're moving house
You choose your predecessor’s home, not his costly contract. We can't help you with the heavy lifting but we can help you switch energy suppliers before you even move in.

Switching because we made it easy
A switch with Switch Plan = A 10 minute phone call, no technical intervention, no power interruption and not one £ taken from your pocket. So, why not?
Our Energy Supply Guides
You shouldn't be left alone to deal with your energy supply. Throughtout our articles, we try to answer all the questions you may have on your energy supply and how to save on your bills. So feel free to ask us anything!

Ask away! We are happy to answer your questions.