Best gas provider in the UK? Find out here. (2022)


If your home is one of those 23 million or 86%, then your gas is supplied by an energy company. There is a huge choice of different providers of gas, each with its own tariffs, prices and environmental policies. Which is why it pays to know both a little bit more about your own supplier and also which others are considered the best gas providers in the UK. This article will help you to compare energy suppliers.
Last update: November 2022

In the UK, around 86% of homes use gas to fire their central heating system and provide hot water. That’s around 23 million households. And while renewable energy sources are becoming more popular and the costs of using them coming down, it will be some years before a significant percentage of the UK is not relying on gas as a fuel source.

Wondering what other gas suppliers are on the market? Well, that’s why we are here! By giving us a ring at the number above, our experts can help you switch gas suppliers in under 20 minutes.

How to find the best gas provider?

According to a survey by consumer magazine Which?, the best energy companies in the UK with more than 9,000 people asked are Octopus Energy, Ebico, Bulb Energy and Pure Planet. This is measured by taking into account metrics such as bill accuracy, customer service, value for money and more.

However, this also factors in electricity rather than just gas supply (although these days almost all energy suppliers offer both forms of energy, with the majority of homes being on dual fuel tariffs).

The question is not really who is the best gas provider on an objective level, but rather who is the best supplier for you. In order to establish who this might be, first you need to ask yourself a few questions. These include:

  1. What are my priorities? Is it cheap energy, renewable fuel or great customer service?
  2. How much gas do I use daily, monthly or annually?
  3. Do I want a dual fuel tariff or separate gas and electricity?

Once you have figured out what you want from a supplier then you can find the best gas provider for your needs.

Who offers the best customer service?

If your focus is on customer service, then a couple of gas providers really stand out. Among the Big Six energy suppliers, E.ON is the top of the pile when it comes to supplier service and the ease of contacting your provider. They are also ahead in terms of being recommended and agreeing with its core values. Of the Big Six, npower performed the worst in all of these categories.

In the Which? customer survey, only one company got five stars for customer service and that was Octopus Energy, which also came top overall in the rankings of 35 energy companies across the UK. More than 90% of customers rated it good or excellent in all areas .

Who finances the most green projects

If your focus is more on getting green energy, then gas can be slightly problematic. Unlike electricity, which can be generated from renewable sources, almost all the gas we use in our homes comes from natural gas sources deep underground. These are fossil fuels and so it is unavoidable that there is going to be some element of environmental impact.

However, there are ways of providing gas in a way that reduces or negates this impact. Most of the Big Six are currently struggling in this regard, so if you want greener gas then you have to turn to smaller energy companies. Right now the greenest energy supplier is Green Energy UK.

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They offer 100% renewable electricity and 100% green gas, the only one in the UK to offer this service. However, you have to pay for this privilege, with Green Energy being one of the most expensive providers. It is exempt from the Ofgem price cap because of its green credentials but many customers are put off by prices which can be up to 38% more than some other providers.

Bulb is another good option that doesn’t come with the huge price tag, with 100% of electricity coming from renewable sources and 10% of its gas being green.

The rest of their gas is offset through carbon renewal projects, making it 100% neutral. It only has one tariff to keep it simple and has good customer reviews. Better still, if you refer a friend you will get £50. Bulb currently supplies around 1.4 million homes.

UK best gas suppliers

Octopus Energy also scores highly on this front. They produce no green gas right now but all of their gas is offset by renewable carbon projects. Most other providers go down the carbon offsetting route rather than the green gas but this may change in the coming years.

Who is the cheapest gas provider in the UK?

For many people, the best simply means the cheapest. Heating is a big expense, so saving on your gas bill can make a big difference.

The four cheapest gas suppliers in the UK offering tariffs are:

  1. Gulf Gas & Power UK: £335 a year
  2. EDF Energy: £374 a year
  3. Zog Energy:£375 a year
  4. Entice Energy: £375 a year

These prices are based on the average consumption per home, which is around 12,500 kWh per year. However, these are just the basic prices for gas, and you also need to bear in mind exit fees and other associated costs.

Who offers the best perks and rewards?

In order to entice you to switch your gas providers, many energy companies offer rewards and perks to get you to act. These can be in the form of discounts off your bill or vouchers for online shopping. While these can be tempting, it is not always a good idea to choose your gas supplier based solely on the rewards they hand out.

Both Bulb and Octopus Energy offer £50 for existing customers when they help to sign up a friend. It’s a tactic that seems to work, with both signing up hundreds of thousands of new customers in the last few years. Good Energy and Ovo are offering similar rewards. A number of other companies offer £30 discounts.

Who is the most expensive gas supplier?

Green Energy UK is one of the the most expensive gas suppliers in the UK but for a very good reason. 100% of their gas comes from green sources which is currently more expensive to produce than natural gas.

Of the Big Six providers, British gas is the most expensive provider.

Is it a good time to switch gas provider?

If you have weighed up all of the above and decided you want to change suppliers based on their ecological impact, cost of supply or poor customer service, then you can simply switch your provider. There has never been a better time to switch.

Not only are there tempting rewards and perks out there if you switch to certain companies, there are also dedicated switching platforms that make the whole process easier than ever before. Just make the call, answer a few simple questions, decide who you want to switch to and everything else will be taken care of. You don’t even need to let your old supplier know.

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How to find the best gas provider?

To find the best supplier for you, ask yourself a few questions, such as what your priorities are in terms of renewable energy, cost of tariffs and customer service., When you know what is most important, you can then set about finding the suppliers who score best in these areas.

Who offers the best customer service?

Of the Big Six providers, E.ON comes out on top in almost all areas of customer service. However, when you look at smaller providers then it is only Octopus Energy that scored five stars for customer service in a Which? survey of more than 9,000 energy customers.

Who is the cheapest gas provider in the UK?

The four cheapest gas suppliers in the UK are Gulf Gas & Power UK, EDF, Zog and Entice. All four offer annual gas charges of less than £400 based on the average consumption.

Who is the most expensive gas supplier?

Of the Big Six providers, British gas is the most expensive provider. However, Green Energy UK is the most expensive gas supplier in the UK out of all suppliers. But there is a good reason as 100% of their gas comes from green sources which are more expensive to produce.

Updated on 29 Jan, 2024

William Dautel

UK Content Manager

William is a content marketing specialist. After 3 years writing brand strategies he joined papernest to help create the best content to help people handle and save on their utilities.


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