Igloo Energy gone bust: what should customers be doing?
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Igloo Energy was one of the newest energy suppliers on the market, but has unfortunately gone bust since the 29th of September 2021 in the context of a gas price crisis. Ofgem's role in this is to find a new supplier to transfer old Igloo Energy clients to, which will likely take place in early October. Meanwhile, what should you, as one of these customers, actually be doing, and will you be supplied with energy in the meantime? Read on to get all the relevant information about this crisis and its consequences for you.
Last update: November 2022
Igloo Energy Has Gone Bust
As as result of the UK energy crisis that is currently occurring, Igloo Energy has unfortunately gone bust and is no longer trading. To help you navigate this crisis we prepared for you a guide on what to do if your energy supplier goes bust along with a page compiling all the information on the energy market crisis and Ukraine conflict to ensure you stay updated on a daily basis.

Igloo Energy | ![]() |
Founded | 2016 |
team@igloo.energy | |
Phone number | 0333 405 5555 |
Log in | https://account.igloo.energy/login |
Address | White Building, Cumberland Pl, Southampton SO15 2NP |
Number of customers | 100,000+ |
What should Igloo Energy customers do?
Right now, there is nothing in particular that Igloo Energy customers should be doing. The idea is that Ofgem is taking care of all customers at once, appointing a new supplier for them in bulk. So besides waiting, and taking a meter reading to be ready for official and subsequent energy plan changes, there is nothing to be done.
Will my energy supply be interrupted?
If you're worried that your energy supply will stop because of this, we can tell you right now you don't need to be - this is being dealt with for you. Ofgem will make sure the transfer from Igloo to E.on will be handled without anyone´s energy supply being interrupted.
Should customers continue to pay Igloo Energy?
For now, don't cancel the payment system you had set up for your Igloo Energy bills. Whether you use direct debit, standing order, or direct payment, any credit or debt issues will be resolved by E.on, and you therefore have to keep everything as is for now. Once E.on contact you, they will provide you with the information on how to proceed.
Should I take a meter reading?
Yes, absolutely, and this is the only measure you need to take yourself. The rest is either being dealt with without you, or will be communicated to you in due time.
Having a meter reading, however, is at this time something that only you can really do, and the information will help you get things set up with your new supplier. If you end up wanting to switch suppliers or energy plans, it goes without saying that once again, this meter reading will prove useful, although at that point you may be better off taking a more recent one.
What if I have a smart meter?
Igloo Energy is one of the suppliers on the UK market who offers a service linked to smart meters. This means you may have one right now, and are worried that your new supplier might not offer a smart meter reading service using its automatic reading capabilities. This may well turn out to be true - however, even smart meters can be read manually, so you won't have to have a classic manual meter installed instead.
I am still in debt or credit with Igloo Energy: what should I do?
When it comes to settling debt or credit with a supplier who has gone bust, the procedure will depend on E.on and its decision regarding the issue. But the chances is high that your credit will still be repaid to you.
Debt issues, if they apply to your case, will likely be settled on a more case by case basis, with E.on contacting you to let you know how these owed sums will be processed. The main idea is that your credit balance will be respected no matter what - so no worries on that side of things.
Will my bills go up with E.on?
Probably they will. The prices are extremely high at the moment, and your new plan at E.on will therefore be very likely higher than your previous one. You can always be in touch E.on what options you have in terms of cheaper plans.
Below we provide an overview of the tariffs at Eon.
Eon, E.ON will be changing from E.on to E.on next over the coming few years. For you, this should not change anything. You will be asked by E.on for switching to the E.on next tariffs.
Therefore, we provide an insight of the E.ON Next tariffs.
E.ON Tariffs
Below you can find the cost information associated with the most popular tariffs.
Plan name | Tariff type | Is the tariff live? | Average electricity annual cost (£/year) | Average gas annual cost (£/year) | Average total annual cost (£/year) | Exit fees (£/fuel) | Green tariff?** |
/ | Standard Variable | ❌ | £ 754.666* | £ 640.42* | £ 1,395.090* | £ 0.000 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed - 12 months | ❌ | £ 633.727* | £ 493.15* | £ 1,126.877* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed - 24 months | ❌ | £ 1,110.256* | £ 1,285.58* | £ 2,395.840* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Prepayment Variable | ❌ | £ 710.833* | £ 625.20* | £ 1,336.034* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
* Prices differ on a postcode basis, this table therefore displays national averages
* Based on the official TDCV : 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year
** $Green_tariff_def_Eon$
Prices incl. VAT.
EON Variable Rate Tariffs
Eon has a standard tariff for variable tariffs. The advantage of a variable tariff is the flexibility to change tariffs. However, this comes at a price, namely the possibility of higher tariffs if the market price is higher.
The costs associated with this tariff can be seen here:
Plan name | Tariff type | Type of fuel | Is the tariff live? | Standing charge (p/day) | Unit rate cost (p/kWh) | Average total annual cost (£/year) | Exit cost (£/fuel) | Green tariff?** |
/ | Standard Variable | Electricity | ❌ | 29.48 p* | 22.31 p* | £ 754.666* | £ 0.000 | ✖️ |
/ | Standard Variable | Gas | ❌ | 30.78 p* | 4.40 p* | £ 640.42* | £ 0.000 | ✖️ |
* Prices differ on a postcode basis, this table therefore displays national averages
* Based on the official TDCV : 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year
** $Green_tariff_def_Eon$
Prices incl. VAT.
Eon Fixed Rate Tariffs
Eon has several fixed rate tariff plans. We have an overview of them down below.
The pricing on these tariffs can be seen here:
Plan name | Tariff type | Type of fuel | Is the tariff live? | Standing charge (p/day) | Unit rate cost (p/kWh) | Average total annual cost (£/year) | Exit cost (£/fuel) | Green tariff?** |
/ | Fixed - 12 months | Electricity | ❌ | 19.95 p* | 19.340 p* | £ 633.727* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed - 24 months | Electricity | ❌ | 40.53 p* | 33.180 p* | £ 1,110.256* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed - 12 months | Gas | ❌ | 21.67 p* | 3.45 p* | £ 493.15* | £ 0.000 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed - 24 months | Gas | ❌ | 41.83 p* | 9.44 p* | £ 1,285.58* | £ 0.000 | ✖️ |
* Prices differ on a postcode basis, this table therefore displays national averages
* Based on the official TDCV : 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year
** $Green_tariff_def_Eon$
Prices incl. VAT.
Eon Prepaid Tariffs
Eon also allows you to use prepaid meters. With this type of meter, you do not pay according to consumption, but you top up your meter and the credit is slowly used up.
Costs associated with this tariff plan can be seen here:
Plan name | Tariff type | Type of fuel | Is the tariff live? | Standing charge (p/day) | Unit rate cost (p/kWh) | Average total annual cost (£/year) | Exit cost (£/fuel) | Green tariff?** |
/ | Prepayment Variable | Electricity | ❌ | 29.23 p* | 20.830 p* | £ 710.833* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Prepayment Variable | Gas | ❌ | 36.14 p* | 4.11 p* | £ 625.20* | £ 0.000 | ✖️ |
* Prices differ on a postcode basis, this table therefore displays national averages
* Based on the official TDCV : 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year
** $Green_tariff_def_Eon$
Prices incl. VAT.
Eon Economy 7 Tariffs
Eon also has Economy 7 plans available for people who have an economy 7 meter.
As mentioned previously, these tariffs have two separate unit rates, one for peak hours of consumption and another for off-peak.
Pricing on these tariffs can be seen here:
Plan name | Tariff type | Type of fuel | Is the tariff live? | Standing charge (p/day) | Day Rate (p/kWh)* | Night Rate (p/kWh)p* | Average total annual cost (£/year) | Exit cost (£/fuel) | Green tariff?** |
/ | Economy 7 - Standard Variable | Economy 7 | ❌ | 29.56 p* | 26.08 p* | 13.81 p* | £ 714.839* | £ 0.000 | ✖️ |
/ | Economy 7 - Fixed 12 months | Economy 7 | ❌ | 20.03 p* | 22.66 p* | 11.5 p* | £ 1,075.325* | £ 0.000 | ✖️ |
/ | Economy 7 - Fixed 24 months | Economy 7 | ❌ | 40.61 p* | 40 p* | 20.87 p* | £ 675.441* | £ 0.000 | ✖️ |
/ | Economy 7 - Prepayment | Economy 7 | ❌ | 29.33 p* | 24.91 p* | 12.26 p* | £ 594.371* | £ 0.000 | ✖️ |
* Prices differ on a postcode basis, this table therefore displays national averages
* Based on the official TDCV : 2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year
* Assuming the average Economy 7 tariff user consumes around 58% of his energy on peak and 42% off peak.
** $Green_tariff_def_Eon$
How and when will my E.on contact me?
This normally takes a few weeks. Igloo Energy has quite a large customer base - Ofgem estimates of around 179 000 clients to be transferred. Therefore, it may take a while for the new supplier to get around to communicating with you specifically. If they have not been in touch yet, you can always personally reach out to them to discuss your options.
While you wait, you can check that your current address is correctly and officially stated, since this is how the new supplier will be able to contact you in the first place. We invite you to double-check this if you have recently moved home or are in the process of moving.
Can I switch suppliers now?
Yeah you can if you want. However, given the crisis on the energy market it is not advisable to do.
What if I was in the middle of switching suppliers already?
If you'd anticipated Igloo Energy going bust, or even if you had your own reasons to dislike their services or deals, you may well have chosen to switch away from them to another supplier before they even stopped trading. What happens in this case? The idea is that if your request to switch suppliers went through properly, there is no reason for it not to happen as planned, and you will join the supplier you wanted to join under the energy plan you had chosen.
Who was Igloo Energy?
Igloo Energy was founded in Southampton in 2017, which remained their main base of operations during the years they were active. The aim of the company was to focus on using technology to help keep customers informed about their energy use. They reasoned that if people were more aware of what they were using they would be able to manage their energy consumption in a better way, helping them to save money on their bills.
It seems like a number of people agreed with them, with customer numbers more than tripling to more than 100,000 over the last years they were trading. Their £50 referral scheme might also be a reason for this sudden growth.
Who owned Igloo Energy?
The owner of Igloo Energy was Matt Clemow, who was its cofounder and CEO. He said that he set up the company with the aim of making life easier for customers by helping to use energy in a smarter way, which could help to reduce consumption.
They did this by using the three following steps:
- Provide customers with a competitive tariff
- Capture data on energy usage
- Offer smart energy products and services based on this data
Other co-founders of the business included Henry Brown and Duncan Ellis.
Was Igloo Energy cheap?
The average cost of annual energy from Igloo was just under £800, which made it around £300 less than the average spend on the British Gas energy tariffs. These figures are based on average consumption, so there is no guarantee that they would have been the same for you. However, it is clear that Igloo was cheaper than most energy suppliers.
What was the Igloo Energy fuel mix
Like all other providers, Igloo had to publish information about where it got its energy from. In 2020, Igloo’s energy mix was 58% from renewable sources such as wind and solar power. The remainder came from natural gas, nuclear, coal and other sources.
In order to meet government targets for 2050 for zero new emissions, Igloo Energy would have had to move towards providing more of their energy mix from renewable sources.
Did Igloo Energy use smart meters?
Igloo had not yet installed smart meters for customers, although they had been saying that this was in the pipeline, using the second generation SMETS 2 versions.
A smart meter will allow you to track your usage in real time and manage your consumption better. In combination with their cheaper prices, this can add up to big savings on your bill.
Igloo Energy customer reviews
Overall, the reviews for Igloo Energy were very good. On the review site Trustpilot it scored an impressive 4.5 stars out of five from over 1,000 reviews. 89% of the reviewers said the supplier was either good or excellent, with only 6% saying it was poor or bad.
The good reviews often focused on the customer service offered and how easy it was to switch to Igloo. There were also positive comments for the £50 referral scheme and the 3% interest they received on any credit. However, for a company that aimed to provide data to help customers bring down their energy expenses, it is disappointing to note that there were negative reviews for the accuracy of billing.
According to research by Citizens Advice, Igloo came second place out of the 40 energy companies surveyed in the UK, just behind EDF energy. This survey reviews companies according to a mix of factors, including the number of complaints per 10,000 customers, average call centre waiting times and more.
How to contact Igloo energy
Customers were able contact Igloo Energy in a number of ways.
You could call on 0333 405 5555 Monday to Friday between 9am and 5.30pm. This was for both customer service and to make a complaint. If you have suffered a power cut, you can find out more by calling 105 - this applies to you whether you were an Igloo Energy customer or not.
You could also send an email to team@igloo.energy or write to them at The White Building, 1 - 4 Cumberland Place, Southampton, SO15 2NP.
Finally, you were able use the live chat function on their website. Social media users would reach out to Igloo Energy on Facebook and Twitter.
Read more about different UK energy suppliers:
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Should I switch supplier now?
You can switch supplier at the moment but it is very difficult to find a supplier with cheaper rates.
Will my rate go up at E.on?
Because of the energy crisis and the Ukraine war, energy prices have been sharply rising. The rates at E.on will therefore very likely be higher.
Should I do anything now that Igloo has gone bust?
It is best to wait until E.on contacts you. You can discuss the available options with them directly.
I was in the process of switching from Enstroga, what will happen?
No need to do anything. Your old supplier and your new one will continue with the switching process as normal.
Updated on 29 Jan, 2024
William Dautel
UK Content Manager
William is a content marketing specialist. After 3 years writing brand strategies he joined papernest to help create the best content to help people handle and save on their utilities.
William is a content marketing specialist. After 3 years writing brand strategies he joined papernest to help create the best content to help people handle and save on their utilities.
Charles Grosperrin
Website Manager
Détenteur d'un master en management à l'ESSEC et d'une licence de philosophie, Charles s'est toujours posé mille et une questions existentielles sans savoir distinguer un watt d'un volt. Affaire remédiée depuis qu'il a rejoint l'équipe experte de Papernest en tant que manager de l'acquisition organique!
Détenteur d'un master en management à l'ESSEC et d'une licence de philosophie, Charles s'est toujours posé mille et une questions existentielles sans savoir distinguer un watt d'un volt. Affaire remédiée depuis qu'il a rejoint l'équipe experte de Papernest en tant que manager de l'acquisition organique!