Utility Point customers transferred to EDF: changes and advice for 2022
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As you may know, Utility Point has gone bust as of September 2021, and is no longer available on the market due to rising gas prices. Not to worry, a new supplier has been chosen for you : EDF. Here are your instructions for making sure the transition is smooth. Once the dust has settled, give us a ring and our experts can talk you through all of your energy options.
Last update: November 2022
As as result of the UK energy crisis that is currently occurring, Utility Point has unfortunately gone bust and is no longer trading. To help you navigate this crisis we prepared for you a guide on what to do if your energy supplier goes bust along with a page compiling all the information on the energy market crisis to ensure you stay updated on a daily basis.
The energy supplier hit the energy market back in 2018. The Dorset-based company often had some of the cheapest gas and electricity prices around and offered its customers a wide range of tariffs and deals. As well as gas and electricity, they provided a range of other services including home emergency cover, boiler servicing and boiler installation.
Their cheap tariffs made them a popular choice for customers before they ceased trading as collateral victims of the current Energy Market Crisis.

What should Utility Point customers do now?
Since the 14th of September, Utility Point is no longer on the market, and their customers have been transferred to energy contracts with EDF. Our main piece of advice for Utility Point customers is not to panic, and to follow the instructions below.
What happened to Utility Point ?
As early as January 2021, UK gas suppliers have been dropping out of the market due to sharply rising wholesale gas prices (this year alone, the prices have risen by 250%).
The rise in gas prices is linked to an increase in demand, which itself is due to COVID quarantines ending for companies as well as supply shortages. This has made it impossible for a number of suppliers to stay afloat in the crisis, including, since September, Utility Point.
Will my energy supply be interrupted?
While Utility Point has gone bust and the energy plan you were on no longer exists, this does not mean that your gas supply has been cut off. Energy is very much still being brought to your home, and you won't notice any changes during the supplier switch.
Should I still be paying Utility Point at this time?
If you are a Utility Point customer, your replacement supplier has already been chosen, as well as your (temporary) energy plan. However, you may still owe them money from your previous plan - so don't cancel any payment plans without first being contacted by your new supplier, EDF. They will let you know what to do regarding your new account, your method of payment, etc. This applies to direct debit, standing order, and direct payment methods alike.
Overall, no need to panic: Ofgem, the electricity and gas regulator, is only appointing new suppliers that are able to take on the bulk of new customers - if you haven't been contacted yet, sit tight.
Should I take a meter reading right now?
Yes, we recommend you take a meter reading, whether manual or automatic, as soon as you can. This will help EDF set up your account when the time comes.
What if you have a smart meter ? As you may or may not know, not all energy suppliers are equipped to take readings with the smart meter method. Not to worry if you have one, though - EDF technicians are very much able to take smart meter readings.
Additionally, even suppliers who only deal in traditional meter readings can use a smart meter if needed. If you decide to switch to a supplier other than EDF, this should therefore not be a concern.
What happens if I am in debt or credit to Utility Point ?
The main question if you owe Utility Point is who you'll pay the owed sums to. The same goes for if they owe you money. In this case, EDF has agreed to pay back any Utility Point customers on their credit issues with their old supplier.
EDF or the concerned administrators will get back to you on the details of these potentiel payments. You might have to be patient for a few weeks, as setting up the reimbursement options and methods for new customers will take a while. No need to contact them yourself!
EDF to take over: will my bills go up ?
As for any customers affected by their supplier going bust, Utility Point clients will be put on a "deemed" contract by their new supplier, in this case EDF. This means that initially, you won't have a choice concerning your new contract and its rates, and that your bills may be higher than they were with Utility Point.
What rate will I pay under my new EDF contract ?
While you are free to switch offers or even suppliers once EDF has contacted you, you will for the time being be paying whatever rates are included in the deemed contract EDF gives you. These rates will be communicated to you by EDF or their administrator, which may already have been done at this time.
We suggest that once EDF contacts you, you ask to be put under their cheapest contract, if only temporarily, and then shop around more seriously for offers with EDF or another supplier.
Who chose EDF to be my new supplier?
Ofgem (the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets) is currently working to assign new suppliers to customers whose suppliers have disappeared. EDF was chosen to take on Utility Point's customers around a week after the supplier dropped out of the market - the change started to take effect on the 18th of September.
The decision is based on EDF's estimated ability and will to receive all 220 000 former Utility Point customers, at least temporarily, in the context of the crisis.
When and how will I be contacted by EDF?
There is no set date for being contacted by EDF, due to the sheer amount of customers to be dealt with - however, the change is reportedly smooth, and it is entirely possible that you have already been contacted by your new supplier.
EDF relies on your reported home address to contact you. In the event that you are in the middle of moving home, make sure you link your new address to your old one.
Can I switch suppliers right now ?
No, you should not be switching suppliers before you are properly assigned to EDF. However, you are allowed, once EDF contacts you, to go from the deemed contract they've assigned to you to another one, or to turn towards other suppliers.
Do I have to remain with EDF now that Utility Point has stopped trading ?
You are allowed to switch from EDF if you so wish, and no exit fees will be charged. However, we must remind you that you cannot choose who you initially switch to when you leave Utility Point. The change can only be made later, and it is recommended that you wait until you are contacted and informed on the state of your credit balance, debts, etc. before you make the move.
If you were already in the process of switching from Utility Point before it went bust, your credit balance will remain intact and the switch should go as planned. There is no need to contact anyone for this if the switch was already in progress.
EDF tariffs
Whatever "deemed" tariff EDF sets you up with initially, you are free to browse their other plans and their tariffs in order to find a cheaper deal.
How much do EDF tariffs cost annually?
Following you will find information on the annual costs of the most popular EDF tariffs as well as the latest rates:
Below you can find the cost information associated with these tariffs.
Plan name | Tariff type | Is the tariff live? | Average electricity annual cost (£/year) | Average gas annual cost (£/year) | Average total annual cost (£/year) | Exit fees (£/fuel) | Green tariff?** |
/ | Standard Variable | ❌ | £ 699.76* | £ 576.60* | £ 1,276.37* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed 12 months |
❌ | £ 651.42* | £ 443.50* | £ 1,094.91* | £ 15.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed 24 months |
❌ | £ 894.68* | £ 632.16* | £ 1,526.84* | £ 15.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Prepayment Variable | ❌ | £ 1,023.33* | £ 488.98* | £ 1,512.30* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Prepayment | ❌ | £ 1,037.04* | £ 602.87* | £ 1,639.91* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
* Prices displayed are national averages
* Based on Ofgem’s TDCV (2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year).
** $Green_tariff_def_EDF$
Rates are inclusive of VAT at 5%.
EDF Variable Rate Tariffs
EDF has a standard variable tariff. The benefit of a variable tariff is the flexibility to switch tariffs. But this comes at a price, namely the possibility of higher tariffs if the market price is higher.
The costs related to this tariff can be found here:
Plan name | Tariff type | Type of fuel | Is the tariff live? | Standing charge (p/day) | Unit rate cost (p/kWh) | Average total annual cost (£/year) | Exit cost (£/fuel) | Green tariff?** |
/ | Standard Variable | Electricity | ❌ | 27.40 p* | 20.84 p* | £ 699.76* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Standard Variable | Gas | ❌ | 26.12 p* | 4.01 p* | £ 576.60* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
* Prices displayed are national averages
* Based on Ofgem’s TDCV (2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year).
** $Green_tariff_def_EDF$
Rates are inclusive of VAT at 5%.
EDF Fixed Rate Tariffs
EDF offers several tariffs with a fixed rate. We have an overview of them below.
You can see the prices for these tariffs here:
Plan name | Tariff type | Type of fuel | Is the tariff live? | Standing charge (p/day) | Unit rate cost (p/kWh) | Average total annual cost (£/year) | Exit cost (£/fuel) | Green tariff?** |
/ | Fixed 12 months |
Electricity | ❌ | 19.95 p* | 19.95 p* | £ 651.42* | £ 15.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed 24 months |
Electricity | ❌ | 27.40 p* | 27.40 p* | £ 894.68* | £ 15.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed 12 months |
Gas | ❌ | 21.48 p* | 3.04 p* | £ 443.50* | £ 15.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed 24 months |
Gas | ❌ | 26.12 p* | 4.47 p* | £ 632.16* | £ 15.00 | ✖️ |
* Prices displayed are national averages
* Based on Ofgem’s TDCV (2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year).
** $Green_tariff_def_EDF$
Rates are inclusive of VAT at 5%.
EDF Prepaid Tariffs
The EDF also permits the use of prepaid meters. With this type of meter, you do not pay based on usage, but charge the meter and the credit is slowly used up.
The costs linked to this tariff plan can be viewed here:
Plan name | Tariff type | Type of fuel | Is the tariff live? | Standing charge (p/day) | Unit rate cost (p/kWh) | Average total annual cost (£/year) | Exit cost (£/fuel) | Green tariff?** |
/ | Prepayment Variable | Electricity | ❌ | 31.34 p* | 31.34 p* | £ 1,023.33* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Prepayment | Electricity | ❌ | 31.76 p* | 31.76 p* | £ 1,037.04* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Prepayment Variable | Gas | ❌ | 36.33 p* | 2.97 p* | £ 488.98* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Prepayment | Gas | ❌ | 35.25 p* | 3.95 p* | £ 602.87* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
* Prices displayed are national averages
* Based on Ofgem’s TDCV (2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year).
** $Green_tariff_def_EDF$
Rates are inclusive of VAT at 5%.
EDF Economy 7 Tariffs
EDF also offers Economy 7 fares for customers who have an Economy 7 meter.
As mentioned earlier, these tariffs have two separate tariffs, one for peak usage periods and one for off-peak usage periods.
The prices for these tariffs can be found here:
Plan name | Tariff type | Type of fuel | Is the tariff live? | Standing charge (p/day) | Day Rate (p/kWh)* | Night Rate (p/kWh)p* | Average total annual cost (£/year) | Exit cost (£/fuel) | Green tariff?** |
/ | Standard Variable | Economy 7 | ❌ | 27.48 p* | 24.15 p* | 13.65 p* | £ 672.83* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed 12 months |
Economy 7 | ❌ | 27.48 p* | 21.47 p* | 11.01 p* | £ 595.60* | £ 15.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Fixed 24 months |
Economy 7 | ❌ | 27.48 p* | 24.95 p* | 13.78 p* | £ 687.87* | £ 15.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Prepayment Variable | Economy 7 | ❌ | 31.42 p* | 21.82 p* | 10.52 p* | £ 609.91* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
/ | Prepayment | Economy 7 | ❌ | 31.84 p* | 24.93 p* | 11.93 p* | £ 680.93* | £ 0.00 | ✖️ |
* Prices displayed are national averages
* Based on Ofgem’s TDCV (2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year).
* Assuming the average Economy 7 tariff user consumes around 58% of his energy on peak and 42% off peak.
** $Green_tariff_def_EDF$
Who was Utility Point Energy?
Utility Point Energy was a Dorset-based energy company that offered gas and electricity to customers across the country. Relatively new to the market, it hoped to attract new customers with low-cost tariffs and a commitment to customer service.
The company states on its website that it believes in people ‘taking back control of their energy usage’. The brand promised to put customers on their cheapest available tariff when their fixed term expires and also guaranteed to protect customers from wholesale price rises wherever possible.
However, while the brand did have a customer-centred approach, it didn’t offer all of the features available from other small suppliers. For example, Utility Point didn’t have an app and the supplier didn’t offer a 100% renewable energy tariff. Smart Meters were also not available by them, so you would have had to take meter readings manually to keep your bill on track.
- Cheap tariffs
- Customer-centred approach
- Price promise
- Rewards scheme
- No App
- No Smart Meters
- No option for 100% renewable energy
- Not part of the Warm Home Discount
What were Utility Point's Electricity and Gas plans?
Utility Point had three main tariffs that were all aimed at customers who are just switching over to the supplier. All three offered fixed rates, low prices and access to the their reward scheme. The following deals were available at Utility Point at the time when it was still an active company - remember, this is all informational, as you are not able to ask a contract under these plans.
Plan | Tariff type | Average Electricity annual cost (£/year) | Average gas annual cost (£/year) | Average total annual cost (£/year) |
Just Join Up 21 12M | Fixed | £ 588.24* | £ 471.43* | £ 1,104.95* |
Just Join Up 21 18M | Fixed | £ 609.75* | £ 495.20* | £ 1,059.68* |
Just Join Up 21 24M | Fixed | £708.94* | £548.29* | £1,257.23* |
* Prices displayed are national averages
* Based on Ofgem’s TDCV (2,900.00 kWh of ⚡ and 12,000.00 kWh of 🔥 per year).
Econ 7 Plan Standing Charge and Unit Rates were calculated based on 2436 kWh of electricity consumption during the (day), and 1764 kWh of electricity (night)
Exit fees are £30 for each plan, excluding VAT which is applied at 20%..
Utility Point also offered a range of flexible, fixed and saver deals. All of these deals were available for set amounts of time, with the minimum contract 12 months. The cost of their tariffs varied depending on your postcode.
In general, their longer 18-month deals offered better value than its year-long tariffs. However, as prices varied depending on your location and usage, it’s possible another deal might have been right for you.
Did Utility Point offer dual fuel?
Utility Point offered a range of dual fuel deals. Getting both your gas and electricity from the company could help you to save money and simplify your monthly bills. If you’d rather just get one of your services from the company, you could opt for a simple gas or electricity tariff.
Utility Point fuel mix
Utility Point didn't offer a 100% renewable electricity tariff. However, it did have a commitment to cutting carbon emissions. To help meet these low-carbon goals, the company provided customers with tips on energy efficiency and low-carbon living. It also tried to help customers find ways to ensure their energy usages fits their lifestyle.
The table below shows the fuel mix for Utility Point:
Fuel | Utility Point | UK average |
Coal | 6.3% | 3.9% |
Natural gas | 72.0% | 39.4% |
Nuclear | 8.2% | 16.6% |
Renewable | 8.3% | 337.9% |
Other | 5.2% | 2.2% |
What other services did Utility Point offer?
As well as gas and electricity, they offered a choice of other related services. These included: Boiler replacement, boiler servicing and Home Emergency Cover.
The boiler replacement service allowed you to pay monthly for a new boiler. It would also help you find the boiler that’s right for your property. If you chose the boiler service option as well, the company ensured your new appliance was kept in great condition. Alternatively, you were able to choose the Utility Point Home Emergency Cover. This gave you a free annual boiler service as well as urgent assistance when something goes wrong with your plumbing, home electrics, roof, windows and doors.
Utility Point reviews
Before switching to a new energy supplier, it’s well worth taking a look at online reviews to ensure your chosen company is up to scratch. Make sure you check impartial review sites so you get a good idea of what to expect from your provider.
As they were just a few years old, there aren’t a lot of detailed reviews available for comparison for Utility Point. You’ll have to make do with the few that are available.
Among the reviews on Trustpilot are:
‘Good service and prompt response’
‘As others have said, great service and low prices. Monthly reminders via email to submit meter reads which i find helpful and statements that are easy to understand.’
‘I am saving £45 a month with my switch and it’s the lowest standing charge I have seen.’
‘When we switched over to Utility Point we encountered no problems and they have run our account efficiently with no glitches. Will continue with them if they offer the best deals.’
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What do I do now that Utility Point is no longer trading?
In reality, customers don't need to do much at all: you are still being supplied with energy, and need only wait for your new supplier (in this case EDF) to contact you. All we recommend is for you to take a meter reading to ensure smooth procedures in the near future.
Once EDF has contacted you, you will be able to switch from their automatically assigned "deemed" tariff to whichever plan is most convenient for you.
Why has Ofgem chosen EDF to replace Utility Point?
Ofgem, or Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, is the organisme responsible of making sure UK energy consumers have access to energy in a fair way. It is therefore their role to transfer old suppliers' customers to suppliers who are able to take on this bulk of new clients even in the wake of the recent gas price increases. EDF has therefore been chosen not only to take over Utility Point's clients, but also Green Network Energy's customers.
Updated on 29 Jan, 2024
William Dautel
UK Content Manager
William is a content marketing specialist. After 3 years writing brand strategies he joined papernest to help create the best content to help people handle and save on their utilities.
William is a content marketing specialist. After 3 years writing brand strategies he joined papernest to help create the best content to help people handle and save on their utilities.