Scottish Power Reviews – How good is their customer service?


Whether it be a new product or service, reliable reviews are an incredibly important tool for customers to shop with confidence. When a customer takes the time to look over customer reviews it can provide some very valuable insights that could make or break a customer’s perspective about their potential purchase. In many cases, one bad review can be all it takes to cripple an entire business. In the case of Scottish Power, a leading green energy producer and supplier in the UK, customer reviews are rather mixed but they do seem to suggest a trend of improvement.
Last updated: November 2022

Scottish Power Information
Scottish Power Scottish Power Logo
Founded 1990
Client Email
Client Number 0800 027 0072
Log in Log into your Scottish Power account here
Number of clients 5 million
Postal Address 320 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2

To provide you with as much accurate information as possible regarding current customers’ experiences with Scottish Power and the supplier’s current standing within the UK energy market we have developed this page. Our goal with this is to cut through the noise and offer you an accurate visualization of what you can expect as a customer of Scottish Power. While historically, Scottish Power has not performed well in terms of its customer satisfaction, subtle improvements to its processes and a slight rise in its rating on Trustpilot tell us that they may be heading in the right direction.

What’s Scottish Power’s customer score?

As of the Which? Energy Survey in 2021, Scottish Power, unfortunately, came in at the low end of the scale customer feedback-wise. Of the nearly 7,500 UK energy consumers surveyed, 465 of these were Scottish Power customers who, overall seemed to have their fair share of complaints. With a customer score of 55%, Scottish Power has the second-lowest rank of all of the ‘traditional’ UK energy companies, coming in narrowly ahead of NPower, which closed around July of 2021 and transitioned its customers to E.ON Next.

What do customers say about them?

The results from the Which? Survey suggest that customers are generally unfavourable towards Scottish Power, with comments such as, ‘The times I have spoken to them they were not helpful.’ and ‘High prices compared to others’.

Scottish Power came in position 24 of 25 of the energy providers discussed in the survey, ahead of only Npower. On the individual elements of bill accuracy, bill clarity, customer service, complaints handling, digital tools and value for money, they scored a 3 out of 5-star rating in bill accuracy, 2 stars for bill clarity, customer service and complaints handling, and finally 1 star for value for money. For reference, Octopus Energy, which was ranked #2 overall received a full 5 stars for bill accuracy as well as 4 stars in each of the remaining categories.

Finally, a glance at their TrustPilot page shows that Scottish Power has more than enough feedback from customers to accurately identify their own weak points. With other 35,500 reviews so far, Scottish Power’s Trustpilot page shows us that they have an average rating of 3.7 out of 5 stars. Their ratings break down as the following:

  • 46% Excellent (5 Stars)
  • 17% Great (4 Stars)
  • 8% Average (3 Stars)
  • 5% Poor (2 Stars)
  • 24% Bad (1 Star)

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Scottish Power response times

Interestingly, independent tests by Which? Showed that Scottish Power would leave customers waiting for an average of 2 minutes and 28 seconds before they were able to speak to a human when calling their customer care centre. While not exactly an instant connection to a representative on the other line, it is actually a very fast response time compared to some of Scottish Power’s competitors. For instance, British Gas, one of the suppliers most commonly compared to Scottish Power took an average of 23 minutes and 32 seconds for a customer to reach a human representative. To find this data, Which? called each supplier 12 times at different times of the day, so this is a fairly accurate reflection of their response times across the board.

Scottish Power complaints and issue resolution

Scottish Power has a 3-stage approach to complaints and issue resolution. This is outlined below:

  1. The customer needs to contact Scottish Power’s customer support team.
  2. Your case will either be resolved quickly by the customer service representative, or it will be passed on to a specialized complaint handler that can resolve difficult cases that may need a thorough investigation.
  3. If the complaint remains unresolved, or isn’t resolved to your satisfaction, you can escalate your complaint to their customer services director.

If, however, your complaint remains unresolved even after speaking with their customer services director, then you could compile the evidence that you have thus far and reach out to the Energy Ombudsman. This is an official third party group that will review your case and provide you with an impartial resolution, in which it will either side with you or Scottish Power. However, regardless of how satisfied you are with their conclusion after they have reviewed your case, you will have to accept their ruling because they are as high as you can go in terms of escalating your complaint.

A Man Talking to a customer Scottish Power Customer Service Call-Center

Potential customer complaints outcomes

Although they aim to resolve all complaints by the next working day, customer complaints may also be escalated to a specialist complaints handler, who will have up to 8 weeks to thoroughly investigate the issue and create an outcome or resolution. For more complex issues or those that need investigating further, cases are allocated to a specialist complaint handler who will be in regular contact, and who aim to resolve the case within 8 weeks.

Scottish Power commit to the following potential outcomes, as a result of any customer complaints to them:

  • Apologise for the issue and attempt an immediate resolution.
  • Apologise for the customer’s issue, but provide a details and clear response as to why the issue cannot be resolved.
  • To consider a goodwill payment if appropriate, to make sure that customers aren’t out of pocket as a result of the complaint.

Scottish Power also says that they acknowledge sales-related complaints as well, to ensure that any contact between customers and their energy advisors or sales agents is consistent, fair and honest in their approach. For complaints along these lines (that are not necessarily about the energy you’ve been supplied or other services you’ve received), they commit to conducting internal reviews and thorough investigations before delivering their formal and final resolution.

Scottish Power in the news

As one of the longest-established and bigger names in UK energy provision, Scottish Power has had its fair share of news along the way. In addition to being remarked as one of the more stable suppliers during the UK’s energy crisis, some of the latest news about them includes price rises, inconsistent customer feedback and even a commitment to a new underwater super-highway. Their latest piece of news coverage talks about their ambitious underwater super-highway plans. Teaming up with SSE and National Grid, the three energy giants plan to develop a super-highway with a 4GW capacity called The Eastern Link. The multi-billion pound plan means that cables will run from Peterhead and Torness in Scotland, increasing the UK’s capacity for renewable energy, with works expected to start in 2024.

Additionally, during the peak of the UK’s energy crisis in late 2021 Scottish Power remained one of the very few energy suppliers that were willing to take on new customers and was advertising their tariff rates. At that time, many suppliers were instead closing their tariff offers because they were not stable enough to be taking on more customers.

To dive deeper into what makes Scottish Power value, visit our other dedicated pages:


Who owns Scottish Power?

Scottish Power is owned by Iberdrola who is a Spanish multinational electric utility company, and has been since 28 November 2006, when Iberdrola started an £11.6 billion takeover. Iberdrola has over 170 years of experience in energy and today is one of the largest electric utility suppliers in the world, supplying electricity to around 100 million people.

Is Scottish Power reliable?

As generators and suppliers of energy, Scottish Power is a relatively reliable energy supplier. However, the main issue of theirs seems to lie with their customer service, billing and use of technology, which has lead to a lot of very poor customer feedback for the Glasgow-based supplier.

Is it easy to switch to Scottish Power?

Yes! With Switch-plan, you can give us a call that will take ten minutes or less, and share some information about your household. Then, we’ll find the best tariff for you and your household, and take care of the switchover process for you. To get started with your switch to Scottish Power, give us a ring on 0330 818 6223

Does Scottish Power have good reviews?

Overall, Scottish Power has average customer reviews. Their Trustpilot rating is currently sitting at an above-average level with an overall score of 3.7 out of a possible 5 stars.

Updated on 29 Jan, 2024

Alexander Striano

Consumer Energy Expert

Alex joined the papernest team as a SEO Project Manager Assistant for Broadband Plans. He has developed a real expertise on connectivity topics and works on delivering the best possible content to help you navigate your broadband in and outside your home.


9 Ratings bright star bright star bright star bright star bright star 5/5

To find out more about our comments processing policy please visit our dedicated page here.
Kevin Hardy
bright star grey star grey star grey star grey star 1/5

Sorry to say it, but you have looked at the wrong Trustpilot page. Try on trust pilot and you can then update your article. Strange that a company needs TWO pages on a review site.

Chris Pryke
bright star grey star grey star grey star grey star 1/5

Absolute rubbish, your figures are completely distorted, just read the real Trust Pilot reviews. They are a disgraceful company and should be banned from trading. They have no idea what so ever how to deal with customers.

bright star bright star bright star bright star bright star 5/5

Scottish Power have an overall rating of 1. I have just checked on Trustpilot. 24/11/2021. I can’t see where there is an overall rating of 3.7 stars.

bright star grey star grey star grey star grey star 1/5

What horrible people no manners what so ever wouldn't use Scottish power wouldn't even give them 1 star

Deryn white
bright star bright star bright star bright star bright star 5/5

We switched to Scottish power for business electricity supply. From day 1 they have been unable to set up the direct debits correctly for our 3 businesses. Eventually to try to get this issue resolved after 4 months I refused to pay them by other means. I am now being chased by their collections team who obviously don’t recognise uk business hours as they called 3 days in the row at 8am. I keep telling them the account is in dispute but this doesn’t seem to make a difference. When I chase up the complaint they keep promising callbacks which never happen. The customer services operatives say they can’t transfer me to a manager but will get one to call back - never happens. Now really regret changing to Scottish Power. Total shambles from start. We switched gas supply to British Gas at same time and this has been a dream.

Hayley Martin
bright star grey star grey star grey star grey star 1/5

Has to be the worst company I have ever dealt with. Useless, incompetent managers who have no idea what they are doing. Rude advisors! Rip off merchants! Yet again, a call back was promised by a manager named Holly Cornwall, and yet again no call back was received. Avoid this company at all costs, they really are useless. Ongoing issue for 3 months, no further forward now then when it was initially raised. If you want to stay sane DO NOT join this energy supplier, you will honestly regret it. Trust all the negative reviews you read !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bright star grey star grey star grey star grey star 1/5

Scottish power broke the fixed-rate 12-month contract we had, twice in the very same year! They then put us on a much dearer energy tariff, emptied our bank account, putting us in financial difficulty, all without notifying us at all. We only found out when they contacted us to notify about the price rise, but we were on a fix-rate contract! When we called them, they said we are not the only one, it happened to others too. The customer service agents are so incompetent, so unprofessional and lying continuously. They hang up the phone when they don't know what to do. The last straw was, when they closed our account, only to open another and without repaying the money they owed us, as they are incompetent to resolve the issue they caused without closing the account, again all without our knowledge. We spent 12 hours to resolve the issue to no avail. We are having a break down. They have no managers, so these incompetent, untrained, unmonitored and lying customer service agents are running wild, doing as they like, because they are not held accountable. The recorded calls are not listened even after we requested. When we called back, small world, we caught the man who promised to refund the money they scammed from our bank account, but then did not honour his promise. It is unbelievable how he spoke to us once he got confronted. He said, he may call back if he can, or may be not, and that they can change the contracts as they please, he closed the account without repaying the overcharge but he can't refund us now because he doesn't know how to. He then started talking to himself, singing, whistling, whilst we were on the line, crying out of frustration. We wasted another hour and ten minutes on the phone and he still did not resolve my problem. He promised to call us today at 11, we knew he is dishonest but we had no choice, he cheated us, again. Since I spoke to another customer service, who arrogantly questioned us as to why we do not claim the overcharges from our bank instead of bothering Scottish power. Please share your experience if you suffered the similar fate. That is, they put you in a fixed rate contract for a year, then cancel it a month after (11 months short), putting you on a strand rate which is three times more expensive and empty your account in your sleep, all without giving any notification. As they were bragging about, this happened to others, so we are not their only victims to be abuses financially emotionally and mentally. They manipulate your account, bills, live on the phone, close one account open another without your knowledge, no way to proof that you are scammed. Together, we need to appeal to their gross misconduct.

Diane Liddell
bright star grey star grey star grey star grey star 1/5

I have a smart meter and in October last year I tried to change suppliers but the supplier contacted me to say Scottish Power wouldn’t allow me to Switch. I contacted them and turns out my gas meter hasn’t been sending readings to smart meter since March 2020. The gas meter has completely stopped working. This is now August 2021 and I had escalated to complaints. I have spoke to advisors over phone and been told they don’t know how to resolve situation. I have waited then contacted Scottish Power and been told they are dealing with this. Why can’t they just put a new battery in gas meter. At my wits end. Meanwhile I’m still paying them a fortune and have near £300 credit. I just want meter fixed so I can move to new company. Just waiting till the 8 weeks up from complaint then taking to energy ombudsman. So frustrating being kept with a company you have been desperately trying to leave for near a year

bright star grey star grey star grey star grey star 1/5

Appalling. It's almost unbelievable how bad they have been. Moved into a new property Sept 2020 which they provided for. Took innumerable frustrating phone calls for months to sort out issues including: - finding our house and meters (5 months to solve) - changing the postcode which they had down as incorrect - getting set up as a new register 3 times - disconnected (several times suspiciously when they struggled to find the house) 5 times Finally, in June have had a welcome pack and initial.bill that was due a week before we even received the letter. This was also using the wrong postcode I informed them off 3 times with my name spelt wrong with the wrong pronoun!!! Every time I called it took hours on hold going through several departments to the most dodgy sounding call centre with awful service. Run away like a nun avoiding brothels.